söndag 30 september 2007

an american lost in sweden, VLOG 1

so the tour has begun...

Christian has been here for one week before we had the first show.
It's been a crazy week, booking, rehearsing with Shooting John, having the release party for Shooting John, my sister got married, Christian has been recording.....pjuh!

I'm going to try to put up a new VLOG every week at least, you can subscribe to this blog if you want to keep track of what we are up to!

September 26
The first show was at Hallands Nation in Lund, Sweden.
Good show, the audience was amazing.
A late night before we passed out at my friends place.

September 27,
The next day we played at The Tivoli, Helsingborg, Sweden.
Also a magical show, surrounded by friends and family.
We will be back at both these venues in December.

2 hours of sleep and then off to Vaxjo for the next show.
We did a radioplug there, listen to it here:
Radio P4



torsdag 13 september 2007

4 days left and a new music video!

Current mood: sleepy

sweet christian cuff just reminded me that he'll be here in 4 days!!
The tour is getting closer.

I am too too tired to write much now, just wanted to share my new music video with you.
I'm exhausted for making it all day.
Let me know what you think.



måndag 3 september 2007

autumn, sauna, RVZ

You can smell the autumn outside.
The sun is shining and I'm on the balcony with a warm sweater.
The Indienational tour is starting in three weeks, exciting!

Rachelle van Zanten
is here in Sweden with Hamish and Graham.
I played a show with them this friday and tomorrow they're off again.
We were bowling last night, interesting.....yes I lost
Of course we had to celebrate it with a crazy sauna party afterwards, and yes I'm pretty tired today too :)

I put up one of my new songs 'Fragile me, fragile you'
It's free for download.
I had a pretty creative summer after all, no rest at all but hey that's the way, right?!

Again, if you have facebook there's now a group called 'helena arlock music' where you can put up pics etc.

Check out the tour schedule, and if you can't see your town there, send me a message, maybe you know a venue we should contact?

For the show in Helsingborg, Sweden, you can buy tickets from me and Gustav.
Just shoot a message.

My friends, that's all for now.
Take care,




'Love Cats' - The Cure